Dating and Relational coaching

Relationship is a spiritual path.

Self-discovery occurs when facets of ourselves are revealed, named, and learned from. It is truly remarkable how intimacy and engagement with others can highlight these attributes of ourselves to see and examine more clearly! In fact, troubling patterns are often not revealed until we are working to engage with healthy attachment, connection, and love. Therefore, those we connect with can show up as some of our greatest teachers… for better or for worse (we’ve all learned a lot from that wild ex!).

So many individuals that I’ve worked with have had the same old relational patterns that they just can’t seem to break. Some individuals struggle with dating and connecting with others. Some clients have a “broken picker”. Some clients struggle to connect more deeply with their spouse of several years. Some clients are struggling with if they’re in the right relationship or not!

What if I told you that using your birth chart, we may be able to gain more insight into WHY these things are happening and what you can DO about it? Why do these patterns keep showing up? How can you use your special “astrological sparkle” to attract someone + which astrological types are right for you? What astrological concoction do you have goin’ on to help get your mojo back? What transit is occurring to challenge your relationship now?

In our work together, whether you are in relationship, recovering from a breakup, dating, or preparing to date - I will act as a guide to support you in your path of transformation and self-discovery in order to engage in the loving relationships you desire and deserve… using our star-crossed secret weapon.

What to Expect in Our Coaching Sessions: Where Science Meets Insight

  • A better understanding of your natal placements, relational karmas, patterns, strengths, and hardships

  • A deep dive into KARMA! How can we use your chart as a compass to better navigate relationships and integrate lessons NOW, rather than later!

  • A thorough analysis of personal planets that will impact love and intimacy

  • Insight into timing. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, it’s helpful to know when planets are either supporting or challenging love… AND, guidance into how to best navigate these periods of time.

  • An understanding of planetary “types” that are best suited for you!

    So you have the information… now what do we do with it?

  • Support in deep personal exploration and self-discovery

  • Confidence and empowerment while dating

  • Gain insight into automatic emotional responses + skills to operate from a place of Love rather than fear

  • Learn to notice how previous wounds may be controlling your life + and how to set yourself free

  • Explore relationship patterns + develop tools for healthy relating and choosing appropriate partners

  • Prompts to explore depth and new heights in connection and love

  • Immense compassion and encouragement in cultivating complete self-love and self-acceptance - regardless of what the past carried.

  • A safe, non-judgmental space that still expects accountability and pushing your growths edge!

It is important to note that these sessions are not individual readings. However, we will use your chart to gain insight and understanding into relationship patterns and transits.

Coaching Packages

Intro Session: $170 Purchase Here

Package of three: $450 Purchase Here

Package of five: $700 Purchase Here

Package of Ten: $1250 Purchase Here

Please feel free to set up a 15 minute, no pressure, call to see if this work is right for you.

Please stay tuned for Star Crossed - a program for astrological discovery in all things love and romance. Learn to deepen your intimacy and understanding in love utilizing the stars.

Why I chose to Specialize in Relationship Astrology.. A story for you.

Astrology has had an incredible impact on my capacity to understand and interface with relationship. I’ll never forget sitting in my first astrology class, KNOWING, that my relationships would be delayed. I sat on the floor of the class, staring at my birth chart for the first time, just knowing that certain markings on my chart would indicate late life marriage. Sure enough - I was correct. I remember trying to understand my chart as best as I could. HOW can I use this information to my advantage? What do I need to do now, in order to support my relationships later on?

I became obsessed! I started doing copious amounts of compatibility research. Though understanding myself was great, I wanted to understand what made relationships work for others as well. I wanted to understand HOW to use this incredibly valuable tool to support, not just myself, but others in intimacy.

I took trainings through the Gottman institute, life coaching courses, and classes in grad school in addition to my astrological research to understand connection.

I’ve had invaluable insights provided to me through astrology. Using a birth chart, one can understand natural proclivities, deficits to overcome, and strengths to build on. So much of the information we find, would be incredibly challenging to ascertain otherwise. It can give language in a way that other modalities may take ages to uncover. Additionally, I’ve gained amazing support strategies and models for connection due to my academic pursuits.

I’m so excited to be offering couples / dating coaching using astrological insight. It is, hands down, the most powerful tool in my opinion, that has completely shaped my life. Of all the ways to use astrology, I believe helping people understand themselves in relationship to others is by far one of the most influential.

Love is a spiritual path. It isn’t just about getting a good relationship. It’s deep, spiritual unearthing. There is discovery that occurs within one’s own psyche that can not be accessed without deep connection with another - whether that be sweet or soul shaking. The deepest transformation occurs when we attempt to find god in others. Accompanying others on the path is my greatest honor.

with warmth and love,


If you are more interested in embarking on a 6 month journey of self-discovery while embracing Vedic philosophy, Ayurveda, Astrology, and your personal birth chart - please explore the Inner Knowing Vedic Coaching Program that is offered once a year.

About Me:

I’ve been working with individuals in a client based setting for over 10 years! After years of experience as a social worker, yoga teacher, astrologer, and coach - working with clients in a long term capacity has proven to be the most rewarding and effective method to serve.

It is my intention to extend an offering that allows for me and my clients to truly go deeper and address any tugging issues - such as relationship blocks, issues with intimacy and connection, inner chaos or confusion, or struggles to express from an authentic place (to name a few).

In my own life, intimacy and relationship has been the most compelling and inspiring catalyst for healing and growth. I truly believe that LOVE, of all kinds, can be the most powerful inspiration to support our own personal development. The interwoven facets of self and other is an endless exploration. Supporting others in their quest of healing in order to truly love from a space of freedom, authenticity, and vulnerability is one of my biggest passions.

Outside of astrology and coaching, I’m an outdoor enthusiast who finds joy and thrill in adventure and the unknown… not too far off from the personal adventure found within!


Masters in Social Work from the University of Texas at Austin

Certified Vedic Astrologer

300 hour Vedic Counselor

200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher

200 hour Registered Kundalini Yoga Teacher

Trainings in Ashtanga, Ayurveda, Chakras, and Reiki