Calculate your Vedic Birth Chart Here and Explore Vedic Astrology
The charts that are generated on this page will have numbers in the houses and the abbreviated “sign names”, which makes reading the chart a bit easier. With other charts, you may need to use the methods described on this page. To begin understanding a North Indian chart, you may also find this YouTube video helpful. Please scroll to the bottom of the page for more resources on how to decipher your chart.
Calculate your own Vedic chart using the form below! Be as accurate as possible with your birth date/time and location. Keep in mind that if you are looking to better understand the meaning of the houses and planets, AstrologyNow Podcast has published segments on each of the individual houses as well as segments on each of the planets. To access these free segments, all you need to do is follow AstrologyNow and search for the topic of curiosity. AstrologyNow is also in the process of writing a book on Vedic Astrology - keep an eye out for the publishing date so that you can have your own, tangible, guide to the stars. Please see below for remedial measures you may practice to strengthen weak or damaged planets.
There are two different types of charts in Vedic Astrology. The “North Indian” chart and “South Indian” chart.
North Indian Chart
You read a North Indian chart counter clockwise and the houses will stay fixed.
The North Indian chart is what I was taught on, teach with, and use. What’s important to remember about a North Indian chart is that the houses are fixed. The houses will never change. You read the chart counter clock wise, with the first house being the top middle diamond. Where you see “Lagna” in the top diamond, that is synonymous with “rising sign” or “ascendant”. The first house, lagna, ascendant, and rising sign will always be located in that top middle diamond when deciphering a North Indian chart. What ever number you see in that top diamond will represent which sign was on your ascendant at the moment of your birth. For example, if you see a number 8, it means your rising sign is the 8th sign of the zodiac. The 8th sign of the zodiac is Scorpio. You would then be a scorpio ascendant. You will then count counter clockwise to learn which signs govern which house. If you’re scorpio rising, you count to the left, to where you see “H2”. That is your second house and should have the number 9 or Sagittarius ruling that house.
South Indian Chart
You read a South Indian chart clockwise and the signs will stay fixed.
The next chart is the South Indian chart. What’s important to remember about the South Indian chart is that signs do not change. Pisces will always govern the top left square. Wherever you see a dash through a house, that will be the ascendant. For example, if you see a dash through gemini, that means you’re a gemini rising. You will then count clockwise. Gemini would be the first house, per being the rising sign, Cancer would be the second house, Leo would be the third, so on and so forth.
In conclusion, the biggest difference from South Indian and North Indian charts, is that in the North Indian chart, the houses stay fixed and you read counter clockwise. In the South Indian chart, the signs stay fixed and you read clockwise.